Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Wheels Were Coming Off

After a 2 year hiatus, I decided I should do something here. Isn't it funny that we can't make time for things we enjoy? Maybe in this age there is just so much media, we have too much to choose from. It becomes a choice of what you enjoy most.

I'm not sure, but life has taken all kinds of turns since I last wrote something. My apologies to those of you who have periodically wondered if I was still alive. Many thanks for your emails and well wishes.

Anyway, I looked back at my old posts and realized something - I take cynicism to an uncomfortable height. Therefore, I thought this would be a good chance to say something positive.

As Veteran's Day here in America has come and gone, I take a moment to reflect on all soldiers - not just those fighting for my country. All soldiers deserve our utmost respect, regardless of what ideals they are fighting for. That is an aspect of war that has become fantasized, romantacized, and minimized. There is an honor one achieves for sacrificing his/her life or lifestyle to submit to the authority of a military, regardless of the higher authority's morality or objective.

This is an honor and respect that was once recognized by opposing armies. You see the shadow of that respect displayed in sports, which are essentially mock battles. Those battles used to be real, for life and land, and the same respect was displayed for the opponent. Each war eventually reveals different stories that display this respect for an enemy's dedication and courage. While war is no longer fought face to face and whatever dignity existed in battle is gone, those of us at home still have the ability to honor these people just as they have been honored for tens of thousand of years.

Justice, peace, and security are most important - once those have been achieved, the next priority should be to honor, respect, and care for these individuals who have given their whole selves to serve those causes.

May we be an example not only of courage and righteousness, but also honor and respect that soldiers for all countries throughout the world understand the importance of what they do and that their choices and actions change history.